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What is your primary identity?

We have a problem in associating with what our primary and secondary identities are. This crates division in the world but ALSO in the church. We have the tendency to want to place our secondary identity first. This gives rise to things like demeaning people not of our culture or race, racism, souring relationships. It allows us to think we are “free” from having to submit to anybody else, including God.

We are also seeing the identity crisis in people. People are no longer satisfied how God created them and want to change their sex into the opposite sex, or non-biblical relationships. Basically, people do not see their primary identity in Christ. They effectively say to God that He made a mistake in their birth, irrespective of the fact that they were born in the image of God. Their need to change to another sex, in my humble opinion, is because their “need” to change is based on what they “feel”, not what the truth of their birth is. You cannot change your sex without serious consequences. Happiness in the change is not guaranteed based on feedback from people who have gone through the process and re-transitioned. God made us who we are and we cannot change that (will be crucified for this statement)

In my humble opinion, the principle problem is a poor self-image. Poor self-image is primarily the result of what people have said to you and experiencing rejection. Other factors can also cause this. Yet if your self-image is based on the truth of God (the Bible), there is no reason to have a poor self-image. In fact, we should have confidence in who we are. God says (Bible) we are unique, awfully wonderfully made, born in the image of God, a “saint” if you come to Christ, the “apple of His eye and many more. That is awesome statements from the living God!!

The sad reality is that when people change their sex, they are actually “disfiguring” their body so that the purpose of their body cannot be fulfilled. Even when they change back to their original sex, women cannot conceive and men are normally sterile. This is not an unforgiveable sin, but they will never achieve the ultimate satisfaction in life as God intended

The “woke” and “cancel culture”, I also a movement that denies differences in people. Each of us is unique. We all have differences of opinion. We have different backgrounds. We have different cultures. To basically “cancel” a person from social media, even trying to get people to lose their jobs, because they do not give you the freedom to have a difference of opinion, is to deny the uniqueness of a person. It is evil in intent. In the Bible in 1 Corinthians 12; God states clearly that we are a body with different parts, different purposes and if one member in the body is denied to perform his/her unique function within the “body”, the whole body is hurt.

The question is: Why do they act like this? Is it not because they have a poor self-image and tries to protect their “belief” at all cost? If your identity is in Christ, this “toxic” behavior should not occur. If we look at the negative “tribal” identity, the same applies. If we open our minds to other “tribes” and “other views” we will be the richer for it. This openness, allows us to grow. I have experienced this “closed” attitude in many young people today. They believe that their “truth’ is the “real truth”, based on nothing but their own thoughts and feelings. When you “challenge” their thinking, the result is normally anger against your views or they avoid you. It appears as if they do not have a learning spirit. As Covey says: “Seek to understand before you are understood”. Listen and learn, then give your views. That is why we have one mouth and two ears.

The question that I will try and answer is: What should our primary and secondary identities be and how does it foster good relationships?

As soon as you change the order of the identity, you will find that things do not engender difference and negatively affects harmony. It could incite racism, anger, retribution, destruction of group, etc.

1. If male/female identity place first: Gives rise to feminism, dominant male behavior, autocratic behavior, abuse, etc. Conflict is inevitable and resolution almost impossible. Loses out on unique contribution God created them for. Divorce becomes a higher risk. Focus on God is not primary purpose. Unhappiness. Can negatively affect family.

2. If culture becomes dominant identity, it gives rise to racism, focuses on culture not Christ, and struggles to arrive at agreement and unity. Loses out on the uniqueness of each person to group. Poorer off. Focus on God and what God wants not primary purpose. Unhappiness. Can destroy group.

The order that is set out is important. By being a child of God and being led by the Holy Spirit, creates a new purpose and mind-set to subject all actions and decision on what Christ wants. Thereby fulfilling our task to glorify God in all we do. Unity and peace is the purpose. Unconditional love is an action. Transcends all differences (1 Kor. 13). Valuing differences is seen as a benefit and encouraged. Each has a unique role to play. Each person has a unique purpose. Each person highly valued, irrespective of gender or culture. Racism not possible as we are commanded and will love each other the way Christ loves us. Harmony the result despite differences.

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