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Hi there

I am an ordinary Christian that has had a long relationship with the Lord. I accepted the Lord at the age of 7. My life has been very interesting and exciting. I have been involved in a number of ministries. Throughout my life, God impressed upon me that I should always tell the truth and proclaim the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have done this and have seen many people receive freedom from bondage and sin. John 8: 31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

What I have observed over the last few years, is a change in the way people perceive God and sin. These changes in perceptions are not based on the truth of the Word of God. We have even seen the rise in pastors and ministers that proclaim a “soft” Gospel without repentance and having to take up their cross and follow Jesus. This is not surprising as the Bible predicted this. We are in no doubt that the return of the Lord is imminent. A lot of people will not see the kingdom of God due to these misconceptions.

The reason for this blog is to expose the false teachings. They come out of long and sometimes very tough, personal experiences.

Some of the subjects will be controversial. I may even be hated for what I may write. That is OK. You can also challenge me on my statements. That is why I have provided a comment section after every blog.

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