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Quiet time

One of the problems that one has as a new child of God is how do we inculcate a habit of spending time with the Lord and build our relationship with God. Without quiet time, it is not possible to build the relationship. We, in the secular world, when we want to have a relationship, we want to spend as much time with the person to get to know them and love them. It is no different to God.

Here are some tips that may help you to achieve this:

1. Choose the best time in your day

Statistics say that your brain is the most active in the morning. There are exceptions where some people are night owls. Choose the time of the day which best suit you. Remember Jesus gave His best to us. We should do the same.

2. Have a reliable Bible

I would suggest that you use the generally acceptable versions. Such as the KJV, NJVK, NIV, etc. These days with Bible apps, you can have access to many versions all at the same time. This helps you to compare these versions to get a better understanding.

Be careful not to use translations that have not been done by a group of knowledgeable people. Some people translate the Bible by themselves. They are to be avoided at all costs. The Bible translation groups’ processes ensure that the translations are closest to the original text in Hebrew and Greek.

3. Have a notebook and pen

There are three reasons for this:

· We have to understand that the evil one will want your mind to wonder. When sitting down you will be reminded of things you need to do during the day. Write it down immediately. It will then not occupy your mind and you can give attention to reading the Bible or pray.

· When reading the Bible, the Lord may lay a text on your heart that you may have to obtain a better understanding of or that you must think upon. Write it down and use it when you have finished reading the Bible.

· To write down what God is saying to you personally so that you can action God’s plan for your life (see how to read the Bible below).

4. Get a special place where you will not be disturbed

This is quite key to a successful quiet time. When it is only you and your wife, it is very easy to organize. When the children come along, it is a lot more difficult, but not impossible to do. I have head of many Christians that have a cupboard that they get into for their quiet time.

Also arrange with your family that you are not to be disturbed when you have your quiet time. That is of cause not when a crisis happens.

Put your phone on silent. Even if it vibrates, it will disturb your concentration. Even better, give it to your partner while you have your quiet time.

5. Get a book that will help you study the Bible

There are very good books that can help you understand the Bible better. There is however a warning: Beware of the books written by false prophets. They write them to make money and will proclaim a “soft” gospel. If you have access to the internet, there are some reliable resources that you can use.

If you are like me, I will read a Christian book in addition to what I use in my quiet time for edification. Good books e.g. on family life, prayer, etc.

6. Lack of concentration

Some people struggle with concentration. This could either be due to attention deficit syndrome or the evil one trying to get you to loose concentration. I have some suggestions:

· Get up and walk around for a while whilst reading the Bible

· Read the Bible aloud

· Read a small verse and try and memorize it (especially the text God places in your heart) You may need it in the future

These actions can assist you. But be quite dogged about it. Don’t let it get the better of you.

7. Cup of coffee

If you are an early morning coffee, tea or water drinking person, take a cup with you. It is amazing how thirsty you will get if you don’t take it with. Another distraction that you must try and avoid.

8. Look for a mentor

Don’t be shy to ask an older child of God that has wisdom to help you when you do not fully understand the verses you have read. One of the most wonderful things a child of God can do is to mentor and pass on wisdom to a new Christian. I have never heard of a person denying such a request. So be bold and ask.

9. Start with the easier books

When you start to read the Bible, start with some easier books of the Bible. I normally recommend that a new Christian starts with the Gospel of John, Acts, Philippians, Genesis, etc. Try and avoid some of the more difficult books such as Romans and the Old Testament.

10. Before reading

The Bible has been written by the Holy Spirit. As a child of God, we have the Holy Spirit in us to guide us. Ask the Holy Spirit to interpret the Scripture for you. You can also ask Him to help you concentrate and understand what you are reading.

11. Read small pieces to start with.

The Bible is an awesome book. If you read it correctly, you will find that it is the living Word of God. One of the mistakes we tend to make in the beginning is to read too much too quickly. The Lord wants us to “ponder” the Word so that He can speak to us through the Word.

The Bible is a book of “revelation”. Although the Word is the same every time you read it, God will reveal new “truths” as it affect you, every time you read it. Ignore the fact that older Christians may have read the Bible through many times. Your time will come.

12. How to read

We have to understand that the Bible is a spiritual book that was written over many ages by people that had a culture that may be different to ours. Here is the process that I use:

· What does it say? Read it a few times. Don’t add or subtract.

· What does it mean (taking into account the culture of that time)?

· What is the context in which it was written? Many people will talk one verse and then apply a meaning to it outside context and interpret the meaning totally wrong. The false prophets tend to do this. One such verse is:

Isaiah 53:5 - But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

They interpret this as physical healing which is incorrect. See what Peter says:

1 Peter 2:24 -“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”

Clearly it is about spiritual healing. That is why Jesus dies on the cross.

· How does it apply to me?

This is what makes the Bible interesting. If you e.g. read a verse that says we must not become like the world, it may be that the Lord is asking you to assess your actions whether you are conforming to the world. If so, the text more than likely is challenging to become more holy and change your behavior or lifestyle. It is the Word that has started all the changes in my life to become holy.

Do not be dismayed, holiness is a process and journey that we will be engaged upon until the Lord comes again. We are human. We make mistakes. Even our mistakes are forgiven. We also need to learn from our mistakes.

Just don’t forget that the Bible is God telling us about Himself and His perfect desire for us. By reading the Bible we will get to know Him more intimately.

2 Timothy 3:15-17 - 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Don’t be too concerned when you read the Bible and are struggling to understand all of it. Time will help you to understand. Hold on the central message of the Bible in these times and don’t be discouraged. The central message is about Jesus and His redeeming grace.

1 Corinthians 15:3-4 - 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,

Happy quiet time!!

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