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Church or cult? Which is which?

One of the sad developments over time is the uprising of new churches. Generally they have been created due to differences between pastors. Many of these churches have been formed based on non-scriptural foundations. The problem we as Christians have is to distinguish the real church from fake churches. The problem is that on the surface a church may seem ok but in reality they could be a cult or a sect. On top of that we have the false profits that say they proclaim the true Gospel, but don’t.

Who is the church?

We, children of God, are the church. It is not a building. In fact, as sad as it is, denominations should only be there because of language and cultural differences. Human nature has created many denominations. Especially in the last 20 years or so. “I don’t agree with you so I create my own church “; instead of sitting down; put the Word in the center and focusing on God’s glory. Most problems can then be resolved. Unfortunately, we are now seeing churches sprout like mushrooms and they proclaim a false doctrine.

Characteristics of the false church

1. They deny the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three in one.

2. They deny that Jesus is the Son of God. Without Jesus being God, the sacrifice on the cross would be meaningless. Because He was truly God, man and sinless, His sacrifice was complete to forgive our sins of the past, present and future. No more sacrifice is required.

3. They deny that Jesus was born of a virgin.

4. They deny that Jesus died on the cross

5. They deny that Jesus rose from the dead and went to heaven

6. Salvation is not just by faith but by faith and works. No amount of deeds will impress God or be enough to pay for our salvation. Good deeds stem from gratefulness to God showing us mercy and grace.

7. Salvation does not require repentance. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. Repentance acknowledges our sinfulness and the need for a Savior.

8. They deny heaven and hell exist.

9. They deny that Jesus will come again to judge.

10. They are obsessed with financial wealth and preach prosperity theology (I will address this in one of my blogs)

11. They claim that we are not subject to the law of God. Jesus said that He came to fulfill the law. The law is now in us and we adhere to it to glorify the Father and the Son.

12. They claim that the Bible is not the true Word of God. They discount certain portions that do not fit into their belief.

13. They claim to have received “new” revelations from God that cannot be substantiated from the Word of God. The Bible is the true revelation from God.

14. They claim that salvation is only available to an elect few e.g. the Israelite movement.

15. They support racism. Whether that is black on white, social group racism, status racism, etc.

16. They believe that there are many ways to heaven. That your own faith will save you from eternal damnation. Jesus said: I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.

17. Believe that if you are baptized, as child or grownup, you are saved. Baptism cannot save you. Baptism follows your declaration to the congregation that you are a child of God and you submit yourself to the congregation and God.

18. They read partial Scripture or Scripture out of context to justify their belief. Especially true of the prosperity churches to justify their lifestyle of opulence.

19. Tend to predict the date of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Only the Father knows.

There are a lot of other characteristics, but these are the main ones.

Characteristics of the true church of Christ

1. Believe in the Trinity.

2. Believe Jesus is the Son of God.

3. Believe that the Bible is the true Word of God. There is no revelation outside the Word of God.

4. Believe what the Bible says about Jesus’s birth, life, death, resurrection and the second coming of Christ.

5. Believe in heaven and hell. Only those who have accepted Christ will see the kingdom of God.

6. Salvation is by faith alone. Heaven is a free gift. You cannot pay your way to heaven.

7. Jesus is the only path to salvation.

8. Salvation requires repentance. Without repentance you will not realize that you were a sinner and needed God’s redemption

9. Salivation is available to all people of all nationalities, race, etc. It is not an exclusive club.

10. Believe that Jesus will return and judge. Those who have rejected His offer of salvation will be doomed to eternal death.

11. Engenders difference. The richness of diversity strengthens the church. There is a place for everyone to live out their gifts.

12. Live the fruit of the Spirit.

13. Do not take any glory from God. Everything that is achieved comes from God. His Holy Spirit convicts people to come to Christ. We have nothing to boast about. God does not share His glory with anyone.

14. Has an outspoken love for Jesus and others.

15. Does not predict the date of Jesus’s return. Only the Father knows.

There are others. However these are the main characteristics. The church is not perfect. People are broken vessels and will make mistakes. However the love they have for others will ensure that they correct each other lovingly to ensure that the church glorifies God and builds up the church. Jesus said that HE came for the sick, not for the healthy. The church should be a place where people can come to be healed by God. First spiritually. Physical healing comes after and is grace. Jesus said that if your eye puts you into sin, puck it out and throw it away. It is better to be in heaven without an eye than going to hell with your eye. Some of the churches place far too much emphasis on immediate healing. Sometimes it is a long road on which the Lord takes you to build your character and faith.

It is not easy to discern the true church from the false church. The evil one’s tactic is to deceive. Normally it will not be blatant. He will just skew the truth so that it sounds like the real truth. Deception implies that we are not aware of the deception. This is where the Word of God and the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Truth) should lead you in the truth.

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