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Abortion? Justified or Murder?

I am very well aware that this subject is very emotional and that people will even attack me when we tell the truth. The reason for dealing with this subject is that governments all over the world are removing restriction on abortion. In USA, in certain states, you can abort your baby just before birth. It is as if life is not valued and people use abortion as a planned family tool. In the USA the 2019 abortion is in the region of 600,000 a year and the world runs into millions a year 2020 approx. 42million).

A survey stated that if you took out the abortions as a result of rape, the mother or child being in danger, only about 4% are done for these reasons. Approximately 96% of abortions can therefore be attributed to Planned Parenthood. This blog is not trying to put guilt on your shoulders. It is an attempt to tell you the truth and if you are convicted that your abortion was wrong, Jesus is standing right next to you to forgive you if you accept Him as Lord and Savior. God’s love transcends our own iniquities and will heal you.

However, abortion is not the unpardonable sin. When Jesus offered Himself on the cross in our place, abortion was among the sins He suffered for. He took murder, rape, incest, and abortion upon Himself and paid the price we owe God (2 Corinthians 5:21). When we come to Jesus in faith, confessing our sin and turning away from it, God offers a full pardon. He considers His Son’s death and resurrection as sufficient payment for violating His commands. But He also does not take that payment lightly. Forgiveness does not offer us an excuse to continue heaping sin upon His Son’s shoulders (Romans 6:1–6).

Even when the sin of abortion has been washed away by the blood of Jesus, the effects remain. Women who have had abortions often suffer years of shame and regret. Some have fertility problems later on, caused by violating their bodies in the unnatural act of tearing a growing fetus from its mother’s womb. Many women who have had abortions live every day with the knowledge of what they have done and are haunted by thoughts such as, “He would be six years old today,” or “She would have graduated high school this year.” Those who naturally miscarry have some of those same thoughts, but they come without the guilt and regret abortion brings.

Is abortion murder?

The decision whether or not to have an abortion is painful, complicated, and difficult. If you are willing to listen, we’d like to present some reasons why you should not have an abortion. There are good reasons, spiritual, practical, emotional, and factual, why you should not have an abortion.

1. Unfortunately, if we look at God’s Word, abortion of an unborn child is murder. Although many will deny this, life starts at conception. Already at conception the child’s DNA is being developed. This is a harsh reality we must face. The Bible condemns murder repeatedly as a characteristic of a wicked society (Deuteronomy 5:17; Isaiah 1:21; Hosea 4:2; Matthew 5:21).

2. Every woman’s situation is different, and abortions are sought for many reasons. To arrive at a reasonable answer to why a woman should/should not have an abortion, she must ask herself the reverse of this question: Why should I have an abortion? Why should I terminate my child’s life while it is still in the womb? There are more arguments to let the child live than abort the child. There are a lot of people waiting desperately to adopt a child and have a family.

3. Maybe you have been “forced” into abortion by your parents or the father of the child. Maybe you have had an abortion against your will. Although you allowed the abortion, and you are guilty of murder, be assured that God will judge the people that forced you. God judges fairly and they will have to pay for their selfish acts.

4. The only “justified” reason could be to save the mother’s life. However, modern medicine has developed so rapidly that in most cases, the mother and child can be saved.

5. God brought harsh judgment upon nations who offered their babies to false gods (2 Chronicles 28:3; Jeremiah 19:5; Ezekiel 20:31). Why do we imagine He is not equally outraged when we offer our babies to our gods of culture, money, fame, or convenience? Any abortion that is done for these reasons is murder of an unborn child.

6. People argue that abortion is justifies as all babies go to heaven. That is a false teaching. Nowhere in the Bible does it teach this. It is not a forgone conclusion. You have terminated a life that has not developed in a full human being and has not had the choice to accept Christ. I don’t know how God views this.

In addition to being murder, many women that have had abortions find out after a while that they may be sterile. A devastating fact when they desperately want children

The world has become merciless. They claim that you have the right to decide what happens to your body. That may be true, but your decision will either please God or will encounter his wrath if you do not confess and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If you have received forgiveness God will heal you over time. One of the difficult hurdles to cross is to forgive yourself. God has forgiven you. Accept it and forgive yourself. You can’t change the past but you can live a different future, fully within the will of God. Free from the past.

But beware of the evil one that will keep on reminding you and make you feel guilty. Tell Him that you have been forgiven and have been sanctified by the blood of Christ. I have a saying: When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future. You are safe in the hands of God and will see the Kingdom of God. He will be thrown in a pool of fire, and he knows it.

Is there an alternative

1. Ladies you have the right to descried what happens to your body. That includes saying no for sex before marriage. Men will pressurize you by saying if you love them you will give them sex. That is a lie. They want something that is not theirs. Sex and love does not equal. If in marriage it may lead to deeper love but outside marriage it is a no-no. I have seen too many instances where after ladies have given sex; the men drop you and go onto the next partner. If he really loves you, he will not ask for sex before marriage. He will respect your wishes.

2. If you are going to have sex outside your marriage, protect yourself. There is the pill, a 6 month injection, etc. Although not always 100% safe, it will reduce the need for abortion drastically. You however have to know that every time you have sex with a man outside marriage, there is bondage that you have to live with.

3. If you have been raped, report it to the police immediately. You can stop the sperm and egg from joining with safe medication.

4. If you are married and don’t want children, the husband can have a vasectomy or the wife can be made sterile. Men are scared of a vasectomy but I can assure you that it does not affect your sexual performance. Some people even decide that they will not have sex at all in their marriage. That is very unusual, but they claim that they have fulfilled married lives.

Make the sound choice!

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